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Panasonic Network/IP Camera Viewer

See there & control there when you cant be there!

Panasonic Network/IP Camera Viewer for iPad,iPod,iPhone

Help Page

View in the app store

  - Supports native 640x480 camera resolution for full view and 320x240 for multi view
- Supports 4 Network cameras
- Supports rotation, Portrait & Landscape
- Supports activating the first 4 preset positions of the cameras and the home position
- Pan/Tilt & Optical Zoom on supported cameras
- supports stretching video to fill screen
- Keep alive option which let's you adjust your video streaming to best fit your bandwidth, enabling fast switching
Trouble Shooting:
  • I just get a white screen with a spinning indicator:
    A common cause is there is NO password is assigned to the camera. Please just add a user to the camera and assign it a password.

  • I just get a white screen with a spinning indicator:
    A common cause is users are entering "http://" in the URL field. This is not required, please try removing the "http://" (I have corrected this in version 1.3 to be in the app store as a free update by May 11th)