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MCE Remote

MCE Wi-Fi Remote for Windows Media Center

MCE Wi-Fi Remote for Windows Media Center and iPad,iPod,iPhone

View in the app store

Setup Instruction:

If you would like for me to add a specific function, please contact me and let me know.

Updated MCE Remote Server Application for Windows - July 9 2015

Click here to download the server application

This is the free fully functioning Lite version that is an EXE which does not require an installation package on the server.
You can just run this EXE on the server without having to install anything. Add it to your startup folder to have it automatically start when Windows starts.


Alternately you can use previous versions of the server below:

1. Download MCE Remote Install

03-29-2013 This version installer was updated to address an issue where the server app would use high level of CPU. This was caused by a loop in code that would constantly ping the devices to report it was alive.

12-31-2012 This version installer was updated to address an issue where the installer would try to launch the application after it was finished installing... This was apparently a problem for some folks so I have removed that function (you just need to restart the PC after installing so the program will launch from the startup folder shortcut)

There are 2 version of the MCE Remote Server:

MCE Remote Server installation package (Supports the use of Apple's Bonjour Service. Use this if you want to be able to connect to the MCE by Computer Name)

MCE Remote Server Lite installation package (Does NOT use Apple's Bonjour Service. Use this if you want to be able to connect to the MCE by IP address)

Standalone Server Lite EXE If you want to try the server application without installing anything, you can download it
here, just put it anywhere on your PC then run it...
It does not require any additional files as it just uses the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

2. Install the MCE Remote Server

3. Make sure that either iTunes or Bonjour for Windows is installed. (This is optional, not needed for the Lite server version but makes for a better experience because it will allow you to browse your network for Media Center PC's by name. It will also allow you to wake the Media Center from sleep using the remote)

Bonjour 32-bit installer  | Bonjour 64-bit installer

Note: If you choose to not use Bonjour, you will need to know the IP Address of the Media Center PC(s)

4. Ensure that all firewalls are configured to allow the MCE Remote server to communicate on port 8888. (this step is most likely not necessary, but if you have trouble connecting, please check this)


(This step is needed because the server app will start automatically when Windows starts)

6. Start the MCE Remote application on your iPhone/iPod or iPad... Click the bottom rightmost button / question mark / and select your method to connect to the server (IP Address or Bonjour) If you choose 'Bonjour', you will see the servers list of available servers. If you select 'IP Address' enter the IP of the MCE PC running the server.

Note: When MCE Remote Server first starts for the first time on your computer, a message will be displayed asking if you would like to allow access. Choose yes to allow access.

- INFO -

I will continue to improve these applications and publish free updated versions to the App Store.
I will be adding support for other camera manufacturers.
Please feel free to email me if you have a request for a specific camera support in the application.
I pride myself on customer satisfaction so your feedback is welcome.

If you are happy with the application, Please leave me feedback. The positive feedback inspires me to improve the app!


* Fixed high CPU usage issue on Server app
* Added support for multiple devices to connect at the same time

* Fixed issue where app would not reconnect
* Fixed sending keys A&W when A key pressed Issue
* Added support for "." button
* Numerous other fixes